Well I am familiar with many starter kits, some for cooking, some for painting, some for electronics, etc. Since I have gotten older my eyes are not very good and I cannot see what you have. Help us help you by posting a link to the technical information on the "starter kit". Links to marketplace sellers such as azon are useless so check to be sure it gives a reasonable amount of technical information. Also since this is an Arduino forum how it that involved?
The Arduino channel has videos that exactly accompany the material in the book that comes with the kit. I was Win IDE until I heard about Icloud, and here we are. TBH I like that Arduino was thoughtful enough to get cuties to host the official starter projects. Girls definitely are better to watch than boys, kthx!
I went on craigslist and bought this kit and so far have done the first 3 projects.
Then I found here, the wonderful world of the forums. I also noticed a "my courses" tab on the icloud website, and then it says "register kit."
To be honest, i have misplaced the boxes because I transferred all my new components into a plastic crafts case, and now that case is under some other crap til I clean my desk.
Anyways, activation code: what do I gotta do to get one, or is my kit totally fake? So far the spaceship and love-o-meter work just fine, and it looks real, but I never saw it.
UPDATE: I just found my empty boxes, but it really does look just like the above product. Too tired now, but I can upload some pictures tomorrow, and then you can all see my ghetto-setup
As you noticed, there is already a lot of information to accompany the Arduino Starter Kit elsewhere. That includes the Arduino Project Book that comes with the kit, the example sketches you will find in the "10.STARTERKIT_BASICKIT" section of the "Examples" tab on Arduino Web Editor (or File > Examples > 10.StarterKit_BasicKit in Arduino IDE), and the YouTube videos on Arduino's channel.
In addition, there are plenty of other resources available from the Arduino website:
So forget about the non-existent activation code and get back to having fun with your Starter Kit!
HHAAHHAHAHA, I knew it!!!
Just like xbox live points, I just wanted to register my kit because I wanted to be cool and get collectibles! Did I mention that the cuties in the project vids enhance the nerd experience?
And FYI, my kit perconal kit is coming along nicely: