I just got myself an Adafruit Ultimate GPS logger shield, I followed the instruction, I connected the GPS Vin into the Arduino 5v, and the Gnd to Gnd. Nothing happened, nothing turned on, no blinking lights, nothing (the Arduino was plugged in, and its green On light was on). When i instead connect the GPS 5v to the Arduino 5v (accidentally), it turned on, I got the green PWR light on, and the red flashing FIX light.
I have no idea if what im doing is correct, I know its not what the instructions said, I hope by doing this im not going to blow anything up. Anyways, I connected the RX to the ardiono Digital 0->RX, and the TX to the Ardiuno digital 1->TX.
I made sure that the port where my arduino was plugged in was chosen, Unfortunately im not seeing any data on the serial monitor. What could I be doing wrong?
ok, so: the Adafruit Ultimate GPS logger shield's 5V is connected to the Arduino Uno's 5V, the Gnd's are both connected to each other, the TX and RX of the Adafruit GPS are connected to the Arduino's Digital 1<- TX and 0<-RX. I hope this is correct.
The Arduino is connected to my computer, and is on, Im looking at my Arduino IDE, and I click the Serial Monitor, and I get nothing ........ no data, not even empty NMEA sentences.