In other AIO sketches, the data->toLong() function would work just fine. However, in the time example, I unfortunately don't know how this type is different and why something like this won't work:
void handleSecs(char *data, uint16_t len) {
Serial.print("Seconds Feed: ");
slt = data->toLong();
Getting this error: request for member 'toChar' in '* data', which is of non-class type 'char'
Looking to convert the time "data" to a long for use elsewhere in the program.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is the basic code I'm working with.
// Adafruit IO Time Topic Subscription Example
// Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code.
// Please support Adafruit and open source hardware by purchasing
// products from Adafruit!
// Written by Adam Bachman, Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries
// Copyright (c) 2018 Adafruit Industries
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
/************************** Configuration ***********************************/
// edit the config.h tab and enter your Adafruit IO credentials
// and any additional configuration needed for WiFi, cellular,
// or ethernet clients.
#include "config.h"
/************************ Example Starts Here *******************************/
// set up the 'time/seconds' topic
AdafruitIO_Time *seconds = io.time(AIO_TIME_SECONDS);
// set up the 'time/milliseconds' topic
AdafruitIO_Time *msecs = io.time(AIO_TIME_MILLIS);
// set up the 'time/ISO-8601' topic
AdafruitIO_Time *iso = io.time(AIO_TIME_ISO);
void setup() {
// start the serial connection
// wait for serial monitor to open
while(! Serial);
Serial.print("Connecting to Adafruit IO");
// start MQTT connection to io.adafruit.com
// attach message handler for the seconds feed
// attach a message handler for the msecs feed
// attach a message handler for the ISO feed
// wait for an MQTT connection
// NOTE: when blending the HTTP and MQTT API, always use the mqttStatus
// method to check on MQTT connection status specifically
while(io.mqttStatus() < AIO_CONNECTED) {
// we are connected
void loop() {
// io.run(); is required for all sketches.
// it should always be present at the top of your loop
// function. it keeps the client connected to
// io.adafruit.com, and processes any incoming data.
// Because this sketch isn't publishing, we don't need
// a delay() in the main program loop.
// message handler for the seconds feed
void handleSecs(char *data, uint16_t len) {
Serial.print("Seconds Feed: ");
// message handler for the milliseconds feed
void handleMillis(char *data, uint16_t len) {
Serial.print("Millis Feed: ");
// message handler for the ISO-8601 feed
void handleISO(char *data, uint16_t len) {
Serial.print("ISO Feed: ");