I made a machine CNC Plotter using (Arduino and CNC shield v3) and I used (2 step motor) for and y axes, then I used (1 servo motor) as the axis (z) for the pin.
Now I want to add an automatic Tool changer to the machine, I started that by adding another servo motor as the drive for that tool.
the question is how do I connect two servo motors on the same CNC shield v3?
Are you using any of the analog inputs (on the CNC shield, Abort, Hold, Resume, Coolant En)? Any of those pins could control a servo.
Is your external servo supply capable of supplying current for 2 servos?
Use any two pins that are not already used. I think "SpindleEnable" (12) and "CoolantEnable" (A3) might be good choices. Since you use a servo for the Z axis you could also use the Z-axi stepper pins: 4 (Z-Step) and 7 (Z-Direction).
No, I don't use any analog inputs on the CNC shield V3.
How i can programmable it to use it as a tool changer by using an external servo motor?
please, How i can configure the external servo motor with grbl?
and what is the right way to contact servo whit analog pins on a CNC shield?
Okay, but how i can programmable it?
what are the commands that can be turned on the servo?
can I use M06 as the tool changer's command?
Sorry, I have no idea. I have not used servos with grbl or any other firmware so I have no experience with that.
Probably. Find the part of the grbl library that does the gcode. Figure out how to add M06 if it's not already there. Read about the "Servo" library.
A google search for grbl servo might turn up projects that have already done the work.
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