as a first step reserving some posts for me
at the moderators:
I want to use this thread for creating a thread that shall be an introductional tutorial in german language. If it is finsihed I will ask a modertaor to move it to the german sub-forum.
If you think that a different category is better suited for that just move the thread to this other category. The Forum system sends an automatic message if it got moved.
Just reserving. Information will follow from now on. I have chosen the barsports category because it says
The thread will be in german language. Some german users didn't liked that I made a moderator re-open another thread. To write additional things to it.
Now they were complaining the thread - which is a tutorial - molds down to a discussion. But the same users just post to the discussion.
So I reserved 7 posts to have them in a consecutive order for re-editing
If the editing is done I will ask a moderator to move the thread