Alternative layouts for the forum

As mentiond in, Discourse supports various layouts that can be used for the forum; below are a couple of examples. The screenshots were (basically) taken width the same width and zoom settings of the browser so it's easier to compare; zoom settings were choosen so a bit more of a page's content could be shown. Screenshots were taken at different times in the development cycle so there might be differentces in available categories.

I would like to invite you to comment on it with pros and cons that you think that are there.

This opening post covers the home page, the next post covers the categories. The naming below is the official Discourse naming of the specific settings.

  1. Categories and latest topics
    The layout that you're fimiliar with

  2. Categories with featured topics
    Instead of a list of all the latest topics, the latest topics per category.

  3. Categories only
    Reducing the required vertical real estate at the cost of the column with the latest post.

  4. Boxes with featured topics
    Oh wow, all categories visible (if you use a very big screen :yum:).

(1), (2) and (3) show the category description, (4) does not.

  1. Categories and latest topics
    This one incorporates a sidebar and only shows the latest topics. The user can add the categories of interest to the sidebar.

Below some screenshots showing possibilities for the category pages.

  1. Rows with featured topics
    Again, the one that we're familiar with.
    Other Hardware

  2. Rows
    Similar to the home page with Categories only, again saving some vertical real estate
    Other Hardware

  3. Boxes with featured topics
    Similar to the home page with Boxes with featured topics
    Other Hardware

  4. Boxes
    Similar as the above but with description for the categories instead of topics. I would not recommend this one unless we reduce the amount of sub categories in e.g. the Official Hardware / MKR boards category.
    Other Hardware

    Official Hardware

What is this url?

Staging environment for the Arduino forum; if you want access to test the restructured forum categories, tags and the sidebar, you can contact @pert; see Restructuring forum categories - #142 by pert


4 or 8 seem quite good.

Thanks for the feedback @Ballscrewbob

Note that it's not "or" :wink: (4) is the home page, (8) one of the categories.

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Regardless I like em ! :wink:

Much easier on the eye and no big balloons ! :crazy_face:

I like the "Categories Only" layout (3 and 7).

By "balloons", do you mean the category images?:

I also think they are too large in the current production forum design. However, the size can be adjusted independently from the layout so this doesn't need to be a deciding factor in the alternative layout options presented by @sterretje.

For example, changing the maximum width from 150 px to 75 px:

.category-list .category-logo.aspect-image {
    max-width: 75px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-right: 0.3em;
    margin-bottom: 0.3em;
    margin-left: 0px;

results in this design:

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Restructuring forum categories

Be sure to view on a tablet as well as a PC.
Screens look fine in landscape sometimes look like crap in portrait. Column heads vanish when I rotate. At the splash screen the "Community" heading vanishes in portrait.
On the tablet, editing is a nightmare. The top heading and edit box icons cover 1/4 of the screen, the keyboard covers 1/2, and the edit box shrinks to two lines.
Rotating to portrait isn't much better. The edit box is 1/2 width, and although it can expand vertically, the edit area is still a fraction of the screen.
Also, is it possible to view messages indented for subordination? Like commenting on a news site, responses to a specific msg are subordinated instead of being tacked on at the end?

Thanks for your thoughts, @madmark2150

I do no longer have a tablet that can be used for the forum. I did check the staging layout on my Samsung A31 and I visit / use the live forum from both that Samsung or a Huawei P9 Lite at least once a day.

Editing on those devices is simply impossible in landscape mode. But in portrait mode it is very doable in my opinion.

What do you mean by " splash screen"? The home page?


You mean like the old bulletin boards? Not to my knowledge but I'm an absolute beginner with Discourse.

Typing on the tablet gets weird - it might be the Samsung browser, but i get severe lag and replicating LF's.
The edit box scrolls unexpectedly. The side by side preview is annoying

They can read this, and comment if they wish.

Something like this:

Development tools

  • Arduino IDE 2.x
  • Arduino legacy IDEs
  • Web editor
  • Chrome app
  • Board detection, upload problems and boot loader
  • IoT cloud
  • Arduino command line tools

Your project

  • Introductory tutorials
  • Advice on your project

Problems with your project

  • etc

Ah, thanks

That will eat away vertical real estate and I have tried to limit that. If I understand it correctly, it will look like the live forum but each category guaranteed on a distinct line. I think it's possible but I'll need to research the "how".

Not what I was thinking of. Where I have outlined in red below is what I'm talking about, indent that in a way similar to the example in reply #157 #13. No need for the 1 line gaps between categories and sub categories, keep that spacing the same, just push the sub categories one tab to the right.

Where I have outlined in blue is OK, don't change that.

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Hi Perry,

Does this reflect your idea?

Hi Wim,
Sorry, not really.
Looking at #13 and #15
Development Tools should be where you had it originally, Arduino IDE 2x should be 1 tab to the right, along with the other IDEs.

Development Tools
    Arduino IDE 2.x
    Arduino Legacy IDEs
    Web Editor
Your project
    Introductory Tutorials
    Advice on your project

Software (Programming) should have a section. The original SMF forum did not have such a section. That was a nightmare.

Agreed that would make the structure clearer

I think there is too much headerspace. On my normal laptop, only 1.5 topics show up once all the default headers claim their screenspace:

Designs that look reasonable on large screens often are awkward on smaller screens.

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