AltSoftSerial.h Question

The SoftwareSerial.h lib isn't working for my needs so I switched to the AltSoftSerial lib. That one seems to work for what I am doing. However I already have a handful of boards that have pins 4 and 5 of the Ardunio Pro Mini configured and connected to a STRS232 (RS-232 12v level to 5v level) as pin 4 RX and pin 5 TX.

The AltSoftSerial specifies pins 8 and 9 respectively must be used for a Pro mini (same as UNO). I can solder a jumper from pin 4 to 8 and from pin 5 to 9 but I would much rather - if possible - change the lib so pins 4 and 5 can be used instead.

Is this fairly simple to do or are pins 8 and 9 used for a specific reason and other pins may not work, and is why they can not be changed?


I may need to increase the buffer size as well, if that too is possible.

are pins 8 and 9 used for a specific reason

Yes, they are. Read the source code to find out why. (I knew once, but I've forgotten.)

It's not clear to me, how you could have RX and TX on pins 4 and 5 of the pro mini. RX and TX are two pins near the corner of the board and they don't have any number.

It's not clear to me, how you could have RX and TX on pins 4 and 5 of the pro mini. RX and TX are two pins near the corner of the board and they don't have any number.

For the Hardware serial yes, but Software Serial lets you use any digital pin (well almost any) for a extra serial port. As stated, I am useing the Hardware Serial (Pins TX ad RX) already so I need a second serial port, therefore the reason for the AltSoftSerial.