Tx and Rx on Digital pins

Hi everyone,
I just got a Arduino mini (with USB board) and been trying out the online tutorials, particular SoftwareSerial example. As I understand, it reads an input on the Rx pin, break it down into bits, analyze the bits to determine HIGH or LOW output and sends them out on the assigned Tx pin. I am wondering aside from the example, is there any other easier way to use digital pins as Tx and Rx for serial communication?

I was thinking...like Serial.Print works with pin 0 or 1 only. Is there a simple "Serial.Print" function that I could use for i.e. digital pins 6?

Would appreciate the help. Thank you!

Forgot the link...the example is at

Looks like you made it to the tutorial page before you made it to the reference page.

Here's all the info on SoftwareSerial:

Here's the specific page for the softwareserial print() function:

Ah I seem to have skipped some parts. Many thanks, the links is just what I'm looking for :slight_smile: