analogue inputs - multiplexing- how many inputs are possible

I am considering a project where the resistance value of several inputs can be read. Using a multiplexer(s), how many inputs are possible? i am hoping that somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-150 resistance values can be read?

Can the Arduino keep up with that amount of inputs?

Is this remotely possible?

Would this be a difficult project?


One problem is conversion time, you may want to use multiple ADC.
Next comes resolution - are 10 bit enough for your purpose?
Where do you want to store and process that many values?
Last not least comes the proper construction of a multiplexer and its possible crosstalk between channels, internal and ambient noise on the signal lines.

Can the Arduino keep up with that amount of inputs?

I don't know what is your requirement? How fast do you need to read all of them?

Is this remotely possible?


Would this be a difficult project?

Yes. especially given that you ask:-

I am considering a project where the resistance value of several inputs can be read.

The Arduino can only read voltages not resistance. You turn a changing resistance into a changing voltage by making it a part of a potential divider and putting a voltage across it. Then you measure the voltage at the mid point.

The Arduino analogRead() can read 1024 different voltage values. Is that enough?

If there is some noise then take a half or a quarter of that number. If the resistance values are not perfect then halve it again.

This is starting to look like an XY problem. What do you really want to do? 150 buttons on every pin?