In theory can i run the arduino with an android phone, ie. the G1?
Define "run it with." They can both be powered by separate batteries, without interfering with one another.
To have the Android communicating with Arduino.
So that i can have an android client for the sketch uploads, than i do not need a big computer and are more mobile with my projects.
One, it's fairly uncommon to be putting native apps on the Android yet; only Java things with GUIs.
Two, the Java on Android is not even common Java, there's an unfamiliar object structure that is not an Applet and does not have a main().
Three, I don't know if you could run avr-gcc very well on the device, even if it was ported to the hardware. And if you're not able to compile new sketches on the phone, then using it as a means to upload sketches is not likely either.
Four, most devices like phones implement the USB client but not the USB host. You'd need a full USB host implementation, or at least the same kind of USB/RS232 hack that the Arduino itself uses, before you could upload sketches to an Arduino. Or a full ICSP compatible mechanism, which is even more unlikely, I'd think.
Yeah I think it's just a dream, an AWESOME dream, but still only a dream.
i THINK the closest you can get (and this is what I'm planning on doing with my new Palm Centro) is to:
[1] upload "Firmata" to your arduino (using the computer as normal), and
[2] Use a serial/terminal program on the phone to send commands to set digital pins, read analog pins etc. and send the results back to the phone.
Note I'm assuming Android lets you access a serial port, and your phone brings it out - us Aussies are bit behind the times android-wise.
As for actually writing, compile and uploading sketch on your phone , I think that's not acheiveable, but I'd love to be proven wrong!
Yes something like this
But you didnt provided an conclusion, why the arduino cannot compute the compile process?
Compiles SQL into a SQLite program and here is something related howto work with the serial port and XML packets.
Here is an arduino core hack to work with eclipse
Update / just foudn this on teh web
“Forknife” the Android G1 controlled robot
Unfortunately after poking around I found that while the chipset supports USB on-the-go, there was no code for this. I have also overheard that some pins required for this functionality may not be connected in the device. As a result, even if code was present, a dongle would have to be made to do anything.
Invert control and use a USB host chip on the arduino to communicate with the phone. (Would require lots of coding and could be expensive.)
-Bridge the arduino with an embedded wifi/bluetooth solution and have the phone connect to this (Expensive and inefficient power-wise)
-Use audio (or light) to control the arduino (Inexpensive! Fairly simple, but only one direction)There are many ways to send data over an audio signal. These include using FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying), PSK (Phase-Shift Keying), using tone decoder circuits, etc. The one that seemed easiest to implement to me involved using DTMF (Dual-tone multi-frequency) tones. Android already has a DTMF tone generator library, and you can buy (or salvage) DTMF decoder chips so you don't have to code much on the arduino side... although if you are feeling masochistic you could always write a fourier transform based software solution!
I have been able to connect my arduino board to my pocket pc using bluetooth and pocket putty to send commands.
I am getting an HTC Hero. dose anyone know of any software that works like putty which will alow me to send infomation over bluetooth.
I just got a Verizon Droid, and the Android 2.0 SDK supports Bluetooth RFCOMM(SPP), which means I can communicate with the BlueSMiRF dongle attached to my Arduino. I'm currently diving into the SDK to make a test application.
you might want to check this site out:
He's built a library to use between the Arduino and Andriod. Good stuff.
the video of fork knife looks like he is communicating through the laptop... not sure why there would be a usb wire running to the robot in that case...
either way, its not programing it, just sending commands.
I know your pain. I started a new company and our first kit will hopefully solve your problem. We are going to build an Audio->serial adapter that will be arduino compatable. So far I have a working serial transmit test. Tonight I should hopefully finish the receive test.
Check out my blog at flakelabs . com
Pescolino is a project created by Rice Cipriani.
Pescolino is a hovercraft that has a fan direction and three bowls propelled entirely controlled via Bluetooth by a mobile platform Android. Pescolino uses a platform ArduinoBT AMARINO with libraries to help connect with the phone via Bluetooth. Available commands are:
- Rudder
- Direction fan
- Clearing bowls
->search pescolino in google :))