anyone familiar with high speed constant servo?

Hi there,
I am using a high speed constant servo but I cannot control it properly.

What I want to do is that:

send a '1', let it turn clockwise for like 5 seconds, then stop;
send a '2', let it turn anticlockwise for 5s, then stop;
send a '0', stop it.

Following is my code (not decent enough), It can only stop when I put a '0' in Serial, is there any way for me to stop it after 5s-rotation?

Thanks a lot!

#include <VarSpeedServo.h>

//Look at Servo library. A continuous rotation servo will need to be set
//at approx 90 degrees to stop. 0 will turn one direction and 180 the other.
//There will be some deadband around 90 and the speed will be faster as you
//give it a value farther from 90.

VarSpeedServo myservo;
int pos = 0;
int servoPin = 9;
int ledPin = 3;

//conncect to processing
char val;

//replace delay
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long previousTime = 0;
unsigned long servoCurrentTime;
unsigned long servoPreviousTime;
int interval = 1000;
int servoInterval = 10;

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

  //  servo
  myservo.write(94, 1, true); //reset position

void loop()
  currentTime = millis();
  servoCurrentTime = millis();

  //delay for;
  if (currentTime - previousTime >= interval  && Serial.available())
    previousTime = currentTime;
    val = ();

  if (val == '1') {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    for (int pos = 0; pos < 94; pos ++)       // clockwise
      if(servoCurrentTime - servoPreviousTime > servoInterval)
      servoPreviousTime = servoCurrentTime;
      myservo.write(pos, 10, true);
  } else if (val == '2') {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    for (int pos = 180; pos < 190; pos++) //anticlockwise
      if(servoCurrentTime - servoPreviousTime > servoInterval)
      servoPreviousTime = servoCurrentTime;
      myservo.write(pos, 10, true);
  } else if (val == '0') {
    if(servoCurrentTime - servoPreviousTime > servoInterval)
        servoPreviousTime = servoCurrentTime;
        myservo.write(94, 10, true);


Yes, add a separate test in loop () for wheter 5 seconds has elapsed. The test for Serial.available is
an independent event, you cannot use a single if.

Yes, add a separate test in loop () for wheter 5 seconds has elapsed. The test for Serial.available is
an independent event, you cannot use a single if.

Thanks, i have modified my serial.available sentence, but when I try to stop motor after 3 seconds, it dose not work. I wonder what is wrong with my code this time....

if (val == '1') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
for (int pos = 0; pos < 94; pos ++) // clockwise
if(servoCurrentTime - servoPreviousTime > servoInterval)
servoPreviousTime = servoCurrentTime;
myservo.write(pos, 50, true);
else if (servoPreviousTime>=3000) //dose not work??????
if(servoCurrentTime - servoPreviousTime > servoInterval)
servoPreviousTime = servoCurrentTime;
myservo.write(94, 10, true);

Please post all of your code,not just a section.

Before posting PLEASE in the IDE, select TOOLS then Auto-Format.
It will help with the indenting of your loops and if statements.

Then post it, DON'T forget the code tags.

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

I just meant change

  //delay for;
  if (currentTime - previousTime >= interval  && Serial.available())
    previousTime = currentTime;
    val = ();


  //delay for;
  if (timing && currentTime - start_time >= TIMEOUT)
     // handle timout
     timing = false ;
     motor_stop () ;
  if (Serial.available () > 0)
    val = () ;
    // handle char, such as starting motor, setting up timer

so that both conditions are handled independently as they are independent events.

Setting up the timer is just:

  timing = true ;
  start_time = millis () ;