Arduino 1.8 and Teensy

I am using Arduino 1.8 with my Teensy and I have install Teensyduino, but when I go to bard manager and type in teensy, nothing comes up. Shouldn't something come up?
I had read that Teensy has problems with Arduino 2.x is the reason why I am using 1.8.
I am using Windows 10 Pro and I have made changes to Windows Defender per an article I found, that didn't help.

Thanks, Doug

This advice is from the Arduino team for a different issue, but addresses the installation of the Teensy board manager. Hope it helps

If you need the Teensy Boards platform, you should now reinstall it:

  1. Select File > Preferences from the Arduino IDE menus.
  2. Enter the following URL into the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field:

:exclamation: If there are already Boards Manager URLs in the field, separate them with commas.
3. Click the OK button.
4. You will now see a "Downloading index: ..." notification at the bottom right corner of the IDE window. Wait for that notification to close.
5. Select Tools > Board > Boards Manager from the Arduino IDE menus to open the "Boards Manager" view in the left side panel.
6. Scroll down through the list of boards platforms until you see the "Teensy by Paul Stoffregen" entry.
7. Click the "INSTALL" button at the bottom of the entry.
8. Wait for the installation to finish.

You should now see the boards of the installed platform under the Tools > Board menu in Arduino IDE.

That instruction is for IDE 2.0.X . Teensyduino installs a boards manager only in 1.8.X, in 2.0.4 the URL is where the IDE gets boards information.

All my current projects are on Teensy boards and I only use IDE 2.0.4 (1.8.19 is not even installed). While 2.0.4 isn't perfect yet, the hiccups are minor and I love the new features it has.

You can get support on Teensyduino (or any Teensy board subject) directly from PJRC (Teensy manufacturer) at

  • Wes

Sorry. Hoped that would help.

Thank you, I'll see what I can figure out.

Well.... gave up on 1.8 and installed 2.0 again and everything worked.


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