What is a simple rf transmitter and receiver code that controls 2 servos that are back to back by 2 push buttons and when i push one button it turns left from 0 to 160 degrees then when i push the other button it turns back right from 160 to 0 degrees, and the other servo turns the same way just works opposite?
You'd probably want to look at xbees (series 1). If you need assistance with further developing this and don't want to figure it out yourself, I'd offer my help as a contractor. Email is danbertner(@)gmail.com
//Transmitter Code
int button1 = 9;
int button2 = 10;
int button1Value = 20;
int button2Value = 165;
int currentMode = 1;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Startup the Serial Interface
pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop()
char buf[4];
if (!digitalRead(button1) && currentMode != 1) {
sprintf(buf, "%dx", button1Value);
currentMode = 1;
if (!digitalRead(button1) && currentMode != 2) {
sprintf(buf, "%dx", button2Value);
currentMode = 2;
//Receiver Code
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // Create servo object to control a servo
char readstr[4]; // Character Array to store the serial input
int cstrpos = 0; // Variable to store current input array position
long val = 0; // variable to store the value from the input
int maxValue = 175;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Startup the Serial Interface
myservo.attach(9); // Attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
void loop()
char ch; //A Place to Store the character we just read
if (Serial.available()) // is there anything to be read from serial port?
ch = Serial.read(); // read a single character
// print out to serial port the character we received (similar to an echo)
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') // Number so store it in the input array
readstr[cstrpos] = ch; // Add the read character to the array of read numbers
++cstrpos; // Increase the positions in the array
readstr[cstrpos] = '\0'; // Add a null to the end of the string array to terminate the string
val = atol(readstr); // Convert the string to a long int
if (val > maxValue) {
val = 175;
cstrpos = 0; // Reset the array position back to the beginning so the next input starts a new input
//Print to the serial port what we are going to do
Serial.print("Servo set to: ");
// The servo needs constant feed of values so we constantly output the PWM value
myservo.write(val); // Set the PWM value to send to the servo
delay(15); // Just a little delay
I want to add another servo to this and i want both servos to move at the same time. But i want one servo always to move opposite from the other servo. What do i need to add to this code?
I want to add another servo to this and i want both servos to move at the same time. But i want one servo always to move opposite from the other servo. What do i need to add to this code?
On the sender end, nothing. On the receiver end, you need another Servo instance, an attach() call, and a write() call. The value in that write() call will be 180-val.