Arduino and Assembly

Hi guys. I have project work related to writing assembly code and apply this code to Arduino. It can be easily implemented project work. Can you help me to create this project work?

Welcome to the forum

What code have you written so far ?

Anas Kuzechie does asm work on Arduinos.


Are you getting paid for this work?

İt is my homework. And İ am student. That’s why I can not pay money

I have not written anythimg. I have no idea. I just need simple Assembly code that I can apply to Arduino.

From How to get the best out of this forum:


We get a lot of questions from students wanting help with their homework. Such questions are generally one of two kinds: Questions by students who are obviously making a real effort but have got stuck; these get helpful answers. Questions from students who are obviously not making any effort at all and just want someone to do their homework for them; these usually get a lecture. By all means, post homework questions when you are stuck, but make sure you've put some effort in first.


Have you ever used the Arduino IDE to write programs in C++ ?

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No I have not

Before writing here I have researched for a long time. But I couldn’t understand topic. That’s why I am writing here

You would not understand the answer, either.

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You may want to look into getting a refund on this semester's tuition.

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Before watching the videos from his Assembly series, click the MORE... button below the video and then click on his "link to code." For each video, he has posted the code files you will see in the videos.

When you watch these videos, pay attention to how he makes two files in the IDE, one file with a .INO extension and one with a .S extension.

You might be able to comment on his videos. He receives very few comments for each video, so he might read and reply to your comments.

If you have questions, comment here again. Good luck!

Long ago I learned of the existence of "assembly language"... there were no computer teachers in my school, so I picked up the computer reference manual (6502mpu) and Byte magazine and taught myself. You can do it.


An Arduino Uno is pretty much just an ATmega328p microcontroller.
You can write assembly language using the tools of your choice, and the AVR assembler of your choice, and as long as it produces an "Intel Hex" format binary at the end, you can upload it to an Arduino using either the bootloader and "avrdude", or some other hardware programming tool of your choice.

For example, you can use the Microchip MPLABX IDE and a Microchip SNAP programmer.

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What you are telling us does not ring true

You say that you have never used the Arduino IDE to write in C++ but are being asked to write code for an Arduino in assembly language. That does not sound very likely

Exactly what are you studying and where ?

My subject called “Hardware based programming”.I study Computer Science.

So what hardware and software have you been using up to now ?

We have used Arduono IDE. And inside of Arduino IDE we write Assembly code

Sorry, but I can't make sense of what you are saying. Have you ever written any assembly code for the Arduino ?

What is the specification of what you are required to write now ?

So we have SW. The question was about the HW too.
Do you realize that to know the exact type of HW is essential for an assembler?