Been trying to get arduino to talk to a byvac BV4237 controller that i picked up on eBay. Handy device - 8 digital i/o ports, 5 channel ADC, real time clock and temperature sensor...but damned if I can get it to work at all (using Wire.h)
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // set up I2C
void loop() {
digitalWrite(LEDPIN,HIGH);//just so we know stuff's happening
//set pin 1 high...
Wire.beginTransmission(IO_BOARD_ADDR); // join I2C, talk to BV4206 by id
Wire.send(0x11); //tell it what pin you want
Wire.send(0x08); //the state of the pin, from 0-8 (PWM controls the levels)
Wire.endTransmission(); // leave I2C bus