Hi everyone, I am doing a project in which I need 2 displays. I originally was going to use Nextion displays, but the first one I got stopped working after a day, and the return was a nightmare. So I found these 2 DWIN display a lot cheaper than the Nextion. The problem is that the code is different from the code I am used to, and I am finding it hard to find any information on this. There are lots of YouTube videos on using the displays design software (DGUS), but nothing for coding for an Arduino. I figured out how to have my ESP32 read from the displays to turn the relays on and off, what I can't figure out is how to send text from an Arduino to the displays, also how to have Arduino tell the display to go to a certain page. Does anyone have experience in writing the code for this? Please, can anyone help? Right now my project is at a stand still.
Hi, there is a demo about how to communite with Arduino, but I am a new so can't upload the code for you reference, is it possible for you to check this link first? https://forums.dwin-global.com/index.php/forums/forum/arduino-development/
Or send us email to get free technical support.
Thanks for the link. I had someone tell me how to make Arduino change the pages on the display, but I still haven't found out how to have something like "Hello World" print on the display without having to have every word in hex. I need to have a way to have the words converted to hex or a simple command to print "Hello Word" to the tx and it has it print it in a text display box.
Does anyone have a copy of the demo DWprj.hmi file for an 800x480 5-inch display? I have been directed to Dwin forums, but every time I try to download the files, it takes forever to get a 2Mb file, and 98% of the time I keep getting errors. Also when I can get it and I open the HMI file with DGUS, there is nothing but a blank page.
Thank you for your feedback. NEXTION's hex+ and DWIN's hex communication, one of colleagues is working on DWIN command function library used by Arduino realizes the automatic conversion of simple character commands to DWIN hex commands, but it is not finished. I will update to you after works.
And there is a tutorial about how to create "Hello World" by C51 programming, Hello World C51 Demo and Code | DWIN T5L LCD module - YouTube
Regarding the demo, would you please helo to send me an email: cindychen@dwin.com.cn? Free!
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As the author of a tutorial about using Nextion displays with Arduino I am interested in how your product works.
I have decided to go back to using Nextion displays. Let me make a suggestion to you and anyone else thinking of getting a Dwin display. Don't do it. They say that they give free support, and that is true if you consider them telling you what documents to read and you have to figure out that you have to know how to program the software for the displays from the ground up. They have asked me what I am trying to do, and when I tell them, they do the same thing each time. "Here are the documents, read them and learn how to program in machine language."
To be fair I doubt the support from Itead is any better, the difference is me and others like me have figured out how to drive a Nextion and published instructions.
Thank you Perry, some engineers posted their tutorial of how to use DWIN LCD module with Arduino on YouTube, but we really lack the code of how to use it with Arduino, so I also recommend customers to read our documentation first, because we are using our own display chip with dual cores, GUI core and OS core, and if you know how to develop 8051, then know how to develop our OS kernel. Compared with NEXTION currently, our price is very advantageous, but in terms of code sharing, we really need to learn from NEXTION.
And the feedback from one of engineers as below, the link is: DWIN Displays - Review and tutorial - YouTube
Question: very interesting, thank you! I wonder how DWIN compares with Nextion displays. any idea?
Answer: Thanks! I worked with Nextion as well, and the first thing I immediately noticed is the price. DWIN is cheaper! Also,
DWIN uses their own chip instead of an STM32 microcontroller which is very advantageous, especially in today's chip shortage.
DWIN, especially after already using Nextion in the past has a bit stranger approach in programming, but once you get used to
DWIN's programming, it is actually better. In fact, you don't even need to write a single line of code for the DWIN displays,
however you need to spend some time understanding how the VP addresses work and how to interpret the data stream.
Also, DWIN gives you a FULL control for their displays. It does not matter if you buy their cheap $20 or their expensive $100 display,
you will be able to use both of them with the same functions. Or at least I could not find any limitations yet.
The other manufacturer blocks certain functions, for example I cannot put a switch or a combobox on my basic Nextion display.
All in all, it is cheaper but better. I will make more videos on these displays because I think they deserve more attention and they are not really discovered by makers yet.
Actually, the Nextion is easier to get it to do what you would like it to do by using things like if statements where the Dwin you have to know HEX and rewrite the config file for the project, and then you need to know what within the config file you need to change. You might as well have to read and understand Chinese, LOL I didn't know that buying a less expensive display was going to require me to have to be able to edit machine code. Plus the code I need to do for the Arduino ends up so big because of having to use hex to do anything. Just to have it change to a page you have to tell it to write
(05A, A5C, 0x??, 0x??, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) something like that just to have it go to page 5. I am 64 years old, I'm too old to learn a new language and the architecture of the display to get it to work.
Hello crwhite57, so sorry for your bad experience on our LCD display. Please trust me, we really want to solve your problem, not throwing the problem back to you. We hope you can understand our communication and commands before programming so have to give you the documents.
Sorry again, it's unable to provide the code to you now, but one of my colleagues is working on it, really!
Whatever, your work is the most important, choose the best way to make your work move forward! Thank you.
I can't say which product is best as I have no experience of yours to compare with. An alternative to Nextion would be nice just to give more choice. Learning any new product to the point of being able to write a tutorial requires a great deal of time and effort.
Ok, let me tell you what this project involves again and see if you can help me. If not, then these do me no good. First I am using a 5-inch display that is the control board for the relays to all of my power accessories. It also has to have a security page that will not allow power to anything unless the right passcode is put in. It will have a passcode reset page and a bootup page. The second display is a 10.1 that is the dashboard for the car that will get information from a voltage meter, and GPS information to show things like speed, position, direction, pitch, and roll from an MPU6050. I have everything for the dashboard figured out, but my problem is with the 5-inch control display.
There is the sequence of the bootup. When it is first turned on, page 1 shows the booting of the MCU, the MPU6050, and the GPS. Once that is done it will change to page 2 which is the security page where you put in your passcode. While on that page, there are 2 icons in red, one to start the power to the car and one to rest the passcode, but the system will not allow you to push them until the right passcode is entered. Once the right passcode is entered, the 2 icons turn green indicating that you can now push the buttons.
Here is what I need help with. The security page needs to do what I explained, creating the password reset page, and having the text for the bootup page to print the information on it. I am not expecting someone to do the work for me, just tell me how to do it and explain so that I know in the future.
When I was going to use the Nextion display, I was able to have the display everything I needed, and if I can't get these displays to work in the same manner, then they are of no use to me. As far as the password page, I have found 2 videos that show it being done, but they don't explain how to do it, or how it is done. Please help so I don't have to return these displays and be forced to go back to Nextion. What Dwin really needs to do is look at the Nextion Editor software and try to redo their DGUS to make it more user-friendly.
Thank you for your understanding. Sales will contact you soon and provide code/demo/solution/program.
I keep getting e-mails from the salesperson asking me to change my review. As I have tried to tell her for the last 2 days until I see that the help service improves, I can't change my review. She says she only has a short time for me to change the review. What she doesn't seem to understand is that the longer she bugs me about the review instead of getting me the help I need, the longer it is going to take for me to decide to change the review. Just show me that you are working on the problem and I will change the review.
Actually, I use DWIN products and I'm grateful for that. It has high specifications, work stably, and their prices are suitable for everyone. I think sir that if you get used to the design software (DGUS) you will find it easy and simple. But you need to work on it a little bit. I recommend using their products for everyone.
Then can you explain how to have Arduino send text to print on the screen or how to set up a password page? I have figured out everything else in my project and when I ask DWIN how to do these things, they send me a demo to load onto the display, not the HMI file for me to see how to do it. As far as sending text from the Arduino to the displays, I have not gotten an answer yet.
My problem was when I asked for help in making a password page, they keep sending me a link to a web page that has a link to a video that I think tells you how to do it. The problem is that the video is in Chinese, and I don't speak Chinese. The other problem is that I need to know how to have Arduino send words to the display to print on the display. For this part, I have not gotten any reply.
Of course sir, with my pleasure. can you send to me your email so I'll send to you what you want.
Mod edit: email address removed.
@crwhite57 we discourage putting email addresses and the like in the public forum, if you need to send someone your email address please send as a PM.
Thank you