I'm trying to get the Arduino to act as an audio device, meaning that when plugged in, it comes up in the Windows Device Manager as such.
I'm assuming that this would require you to write your own Device Driver, preferably an ASIO one.
My question is, is this at all possible to achieve? and if so, how can I get started?
You certainly can't do that with an Arduino Uno. You might be able to do it with an Arduino Leonardo or Micro. Look at how those handle looking like a keyboard or mouse. But the speed is a worry.
Otherwise you need to look at something more powerful like a Teensy 3.6 or a Arduino Zero.
I am aware of the speed issue here and thanks for the suggestions.
I looked over the Mouse and Keyboard use in Arduino and they both have their libraries that allow you to easily 'hijack' the devices with simple commands. There doesn't appear to be anything that allows you to do this kind of thing with an Audio Device. The closest thing I'm looking for would be the Stream and Serial libraries, which I have used to pass data back and forward with but it's a far cry from sending an Audio Stream to a Speaker.
Thank you for your response and it would really be a great help if you had any more suggested areas for me to mine.
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It's very much of interest!
Thank You.