Arduino boards and servos

I am looking to build a robotic arm that has 5 servos built into it. I'm having trouble determining what board to use and how to set it up so I can use 5 servos on the same board.

An Uno can control 12, a Mega can do 48. Just note that while the Arduino can control servos, they must have a separate power supply because the Arduino can't provide enough current.

Just note that while the Arduino can control servos, they must have a separate power supply

...... as shown attached:

servo power.png

How can I run 5 servos with 7.4 volts running to each of them without burning the board up or tearing the servo up.

Just extrapolate JimboZA's diagram to five servos. Your 7.4V positive is servo +ve, the ground on that power supply is servo -ve. Note that that ground connects to ground on the arduino.

Are your servos rated for that voltage?

Yes they are,they're the gearbox servos on servo city website.

The thing to note is that motors are powered in parallel, so the voltage is common but the currents add.

Your concern should be with current: you need to check that your power supply can supply enough for the 5 servos at once (assuming they all move at the same time). Forum wisdom is to budget 1A per servo, so you would need 2 supplies if (say) you had a 3A supply and 5 servos. Then you just double up on my diagram including the supplies, so 3 are on one and 2 on the other, -ves linked and attached to Arduino ground.

How can I run 5 servos with 7.4 volts running to each of them without burning the board up or tearing the servo up.

Why would you think that would burn the board: the power to the servo is totally separate from the board and the only common thing is the ground. As to "tearing the servo up", I have no idea what that means.