Arduino car detect

I want to install car detection sensors in the city and use radar sensor and magnetometer for this, is this a good option? What do you recommend?

Where in the city do you want to install the system? Are you going to impede traffic while you are installing and testing? Explain how you will power the system and what do you want to happen if i car is detected?

I want to put in a parking spot to see if a parking spot is available

That is a sort of NON-ANSWER, don't you think?

How many question will we have to ask before you explain what you are doing, where you are doing it and how you will power the system?

I want to install devices in parking spaces in the city, drivers will be able to see available parking spaces through the app. I imagine a device like this Arduino, hmc5883l magnetometer sensor, infineon bgt24ltr11, battery for arduino, LoRaWan. What other questions do you have? What do you think about this device, it would be nice to hear your opinion.

Now, I wonder how you will protect each device from vandalism? Will you bury them in the parking places?

yes i am going to bury them and protect it with weather resistant enclosure

That should help. How will you communicate with the buried devices and how will you change the batteries?

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I have solved this problem if you can give me any help regarding the sensors.

You need to actually get each of the sensors and program for it and test it, so you can know if it will work for your system design. If you get stuck at any time, then ask for help with that sensor. Once you become familiar with that sensor, then test it in actual operation at a final test parking site. Only then will you know if that particular sensor will do the expected job for you.

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