Arduino Car motor control with relays

This is the first Part of building car
You need to be able to move each motor forward and backward
In order to do this easily without special controllers, I have found a way to do it with only
two Relays boards
See Part 1 of this project


Do you have a problem or a question you would like asnwered?
If not then this should go up in Exhibitions when you finish your project.

Looks likes you are making a relay version of a H-Bridge

Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
You need to show a circuit diagram ,just a YouTube presentation shows your layout, but a schematic will explain how you have wired it.

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, Arduino, hardware experience?

I have just finished part 2
See here

You can see deep details in zoom at video
However I use the relays like in this picture


Ops pic..

You YouTube is fine but does nothing about your connections.

PLEASE a schematic, I wish you put as much effort into the printed documentation as your video.

We can see you can solder, but what wire goes where and why?

Tom.. :slight_smile:

Do you have a problem or a question you would like asnwered?
If not then this should go up in Exhibitions when you finish your project.

Looks likes you are making a relay version of a H-Bridge

Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
You need to show a circuit diagram ,just a YouTube presentation shows your layout, but a schematic will explain how you have wired it.

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, Arduino, hardware experience?

Yes don't use it like this - see in my example I only use 2 relays PER one motor, no need for 4 relays