Arduino color detection

I want to create an arduino device that is able to detect fast moving objects on a screen; computer/lcd type screens and be able to detect the color(s) and then send data to another device. Now I'm very new to arduino and have trouble figuring out which is the best arudino board for my project so if you can suggest any boards and extra hardware that are compact in size that are essential for my project then pls let me know!

Now I'm very new to arduino and have trouble figuring out which is the best arudino board for my project so if you can suggest any boards and extra hardware that are compact in size that are essential for my project then pls let me know!

You need to get something working, first, THEN figure out how to reduce the size.

that is able to detect fast moving objects on a screen; computer/lcd type screens and be able to detect the color(s)

This is not a trivial task. You will need a large array of sensors, so that you can detect movement. Unfortunately, that large array of sensors will take time and memory to read and store the results. The time is not conducive to "detect fast moving objects" and the memory usage does not fit well with Arduino (which has limited memory).

What game is generating these "fast moving objects" and what are you sending data about them to?

If you can tap into the video feed electrically you can use a video capture card as a video source and OpenCV or similar to detect the objects on the screen. If you can't connect electrically you could use a webcam instead of the video capture - just as easy to implement but the results would be less precise. None of this would involve Arduino.

thank you for the replies. btw its not a game. i think ill go wit a webcam approach. is there any open source hardware to build a webcam?

is there any open source hardware to build a webcam?

If you specifically want to build it yourself, that would involve a lot of knowledge and some significant time and money. I can't imagine why you would want to make one, though, other than as an academic exercise.