Arduino Due 2019 new release?

Arduino Due... This 2019 any news to be released?
I want to buy, but if they release new one more better to wait.
What is good to use Due, Uno, Leonard or Mega? Experiment Smart house with an IP camera.

What is good to use Due, Uno, Leonard or Mega? Experiment Smart house with an IP camera.

Raspberry pi...

I don't have any special knowledge about this but I'd be very surprised if Arduino released another SAM architecture board like the Due. They have definitely moved on to the SAMD architecture.

There is a new SAMD board from Adafruit that could be seen as the "Due 2019":

It has the same Mega-style form factor as the Due but it uses a SAMD microcontroller, which should allow it to take advantage of much of the ever-growing official and community support for the SAMD architecture.

As for how it compares to the Due on specs, I haven't taken the time to do any comparison.
