After checking the documentation and the forum i still have some doubts about the compatibility of arduino Due with the wifi shield, in documentation is written that Due is compatible with all Arduino shields that work at 3.3V . The arduino wifi shield needs 5V to operate, this means that they are not compatible ?
Hello PaSSas,
So far I've been using successfully the Adafruit CC3000 WIFI breakout shield (v1.1) via SPI and 5VDC.
Thank you for the reply, but i read from adafruit site that Adafruit_CC3000_Library was not yet ported for arduino Leonardo/Due, i'm so confused right now lol. Hope someone can help me.
I have tried a couple of examples with the Ardafruit CC3000 library and they worked OK with Arduino Due. I only had to made few changes like to use pin 52 as interrupt pin. I also choose pin 4 as CS and pin 5 as VBAT.
Here the CC3000 <-> Arduino Due pin interconnection:
CC3000 Due
IRQ------pin 52
VBEN-----pin 5
CS-------pin 4
Thanks for the explanation.
best regards
I am also considering the Adafruit CC3000 breakout board for Due, and regarding the voltage there is a note here:
NOTE: If using an Arduino Due, which is not tolerant of 5V on its input pins, you must instead connect the CC3000 3V3 pin to the Due's 3.3V power pin. Don't connect Vin to the Due's +5V!
...which would make sense.
Do you use the breakout board, or rather the shield?