Hello Experts,
Firstly I would like to say thank you all of you you helped me a gave advices with my last issue (finally it was human error, I do not know what I did, but one day it started to work)
I am newbie I have to learn a lot... Before writing this post I did a lot of research, have tried many codes, many libraries, read a lot and finally here I am, totally desperate.
I have configuration mentioned above...
ESP is connected to Serial3 I am transfering the AT commands from Serial1 to Serial3. I can communicate with the module, everything is going fine, until I would like to send "message" (sorry for the laic term) to a server via GET (it is pre-prepared for storing and displaying temp and humidity, it is only needed to send - open specific link, which contains ID of the sensor and the value). Here is my set up via AT commands (I am going to re-write it, once I finish it).
HW Serial, baudrate 115200 bauds:
AT+GMR (View version info)
AT version: 8 2015 14:45:58)
SDK version:1.3.0
Ai-Thinker Technology Co.,Ltd.
Build: Sep 11 2015 11:48:04
AT+CWMODE=3 ( Wifi mode - softAP + station mode)
AT+CWJAP="ssid","password" (connect to wifi network)
AT+CIPMUX=1 (set multiply connections)
AT+CIPSTART=0,"TCP","matuluka.tmep.cz",80 (connect to a server)
AT+CIPSEND=0,39 (I will send message to connection 0 - above, 39 bytes)
Now I will send the message (it does not display in Serial monitor) : GET http://maluka.tmep.cz/?teplota=26.2
busy s... <<== this is probably the reason
Recv 39 bytes
+IPD (should return reply from server)
Does anyone have any clue what am I doing wrong? I saw also some opinions I am not able to send GET via Arduino Serial monitor, I found also I can not use more than 9600 bauds if I am using Software serial (which I don't use). I was able to send the GET request to the server, unfortunatelly there has to be one byte more... The server does not recognize it as a message, but as a text string and nothing has happened.
Thank you in advance for you advices, help and experience sharing!