arduino due + MC14052

Hi ,
im new to the arduino world , i need to control the mux/demux (4052) using arduino .
as i read in the datasheet , it seems the i can't control the selection inputs of the 4052 , using 3.3V and GND. my supply voltage to the 4052 is 10V. Any suggestions ?

datasheet of the 4052 :

Reply, and Attach the datasheet.
Or provide a better link to it:


Put some ordinary npn transistors (e.g. bc337) between the Arduino outputs and the 4052 inputs, to pull them down low, and 10K resistors to pull the 4052 inputs high. Use 4K7 resistors between the Arduino outputs and the transistor bases. Note that you will also then need to reverse the HIGH/LOW signals the Ardunino pins put out.


thank you for your answer, but there is another problem :
the arduino outputs depends on 3 switches(part of a circuit which i designed) , a pin can be out HIGH and next time can be out LOW , the outputs varies depend on these switches.

thank you for your answer, but there is another problem :
the arduino outputs depends on 3 switches(part of a circuit which i designed) , a pin can be out HIGH and next time can be out LOW , the outputs varies depend on these switches.

I don't understand what the problem is. That sounds OK to me.

Double post.

can you please give a sketch of how it should be ?

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