Arduino Due USART SPI is very, very slow?

Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to read samples from an SD card to send them to an external DAC using the Arduino Due. The problems are:

  • The built in SPI doesn't work with both the SD card and DAC, I've tried lots of different circuit configurations and software solutions nothing helped!
  • So I tried using the USART SPI example, made by D. Lloyd, but my code is soooo slowww! It takes more than 5 ms to write to one of the DACs, I'm currently using an MCP4922 IC. The main culprits are the 2 loops I use between each byte, and before setting the CS high. This DAC needs a 2 byte word before CS goes high.

I can't find what is wrong with my code and I need a sampling rate of at least about 44 kHz, I'm setting the SPI CLK to 10.5 MHz, but that does nothing.


Due_USART0_SPI_Master_High_Freq.ino (6.19 KB)

An example of read/write SD card via SPI, this thread reply #4:

and this with SDFat:

For an example of external DAC monitoring, Google DUE DAC SPI and you will find a .pdf tutorial

Why don't you use your buitlin DACs ?


The SD card works with the internal DACs, if I don't use the external SPI DAC.
And the external SPI DAC (MCP4922) works without the SD card, I'm able to generate a sinewave for example.

I can't use an external DAC at the same time as the SD card I've tried it several ways , and I think it will never work, because there is interference at the SPI interface, and the SD stops reading and I get only noise on the DACs.

I'm currently using those 12 bit DACs but I will upgrade them to 16 bit DACs. I need an alternative to the SPI bus that allow a bitrate higher than 4 Mbit/s. I don't understand why I'm setting the Baud Rate Generator Register to 10.5 MHz (MCK/8) and I have to wait more than 3 ms? The problem is I need to send 2 bytes to the DAC and not one. Do you have any idea of what is causing that? And what I can do to solve this problem.


Ok, the problem was the divider, I was setting it to very large value.
Now I'm getting about 10-12 microseconds, per each dac write. I think it is a bit slow, is it possible to improve it to about 5 or 6 microseconds? Maybe with a faster digital write.

The SPI USART is now working fine with a SCK of about 16.8 MHz, the write to dac functions are taking about 5-6 microseconds.

I also need to test the USART1, I could use it to read from an external ADC. Another option I have is to use the same USART SPI (USART0), once I'm defining the CS "manually".


Due_USART0_SPI_Master_High_Freq.ino (6.72 KB)