Arduino fire extinguisher car advices

Dear community,
I'm trying to do fire extinguisher project for school and I drew scheme, please let me know would it work like this and if not give me some advices. Thank you!

and yes, forgot to draw wires from L298N outputs, these are connected to digital pins 7,6,5,4

Is your Arduino powered by 5v via VIN pin?

Why the relay VCC connected to 3v3 pin, while the text on the diagram says that it is 5v?

yes it is powered by VIN from L298N, name of relay is 5v relay, should I connect it to 5v instead of 3.3v? Thank you

No, this will not work. The servo motor and the relay can not be powered from the Arduino.

Then draw the wires.

I tried connecting as shown, but I think I might missconnected something and arduino is hot, i tried powering arduino with 6v, but there isn't enough power to arduino BO motors too

See post #5.

Disconnect everything.

If a device needs power, connect the power supply to the device. (+/-)
If a device needs commands, connect the Arduino data line to the device. (data)

isn't servo using 5v? I don't know how should I connect relay then

Vanilla is a flavor of ice cream, but that has nothing to do with Post #5.

Read the documentation, or try post #7.

so, power supply: L298N, servo, relay and for data flame sensor?

water pump is connected to 5v relay, so they would use same power supply

I'm new in this, I apologise, this is school project

All the devices need a data line to command (or receive data from) the device.

The devices requiring direct power supply connection are the high-consumption devices, as you noted, L298N, Servo motor and Relay. The water pump should be powered through the relay.

The VIN input require a 6.5 -7v to work, it won't work with 5v input.

The servo, relay and motors can't powered from arduino, all of them must use an external power supplies.

they are connected to 7.2v battery (power for L298N)

Where is the correct drawing?

So, should I change my 7.2v power to 12v and power l298n with it + servo motor and have one extra (6v) for 5v relay with pump

I have extra 7.2v battery, I could use it too