I like to play flight-sim games on my PS3 but the game controller leaves a lot to be desired for that purpose.
The controller connects to the PS3 via USB or Bluetooth wireless.
The primo joystick/throttle quadrant controller for flight-sim games connects via USB to a PC and ONLY a PC.
You can physically plug it in to a PS3 but the PS3 won't recognize the controller and visa versa.
Idea: an Arduino with two USB ports as a translator, one port set up in device-mode to mimic the PS3 controller and connect to the PS3, the other port set up in host-mode to mimic a PC for the joystick/tq controller to connect to.
Questions: Is this feasible? If so, roughly how difficult? And with which model of Arduino?
Questions: Is this feasible? If so, roughly how difficult? And with which model of Arduino?
Probably not.
You would need a USB host and a USB (slave?) on the same Arduino. The Arduino Leonardo has the ability to mimic a PC keyboard or mouse, but not other devices - and it cannot act as a USB Host. I don't know if the normal Host sheld would work with a Leonardo.
You would need the Arduino to be able to make sense of the incoming data and then to translate it to something suitable to send out.
I'm guessing you don't know how to do that even if there was no hardware obstacle, and I certainly don't.