Arduino IDE 2.0.0-rc9.2 available for download!

A new release candidate of Arduino IDE 2.0.0 is now available.

If you are using a recent version of the IDE, you will get an auto-update offer simply by starting the IDE.

Otherwise, the release is available for download here:

This release provides some nice advancements and fixes.

Thanks so much to the forum community for all the valuable testing and feedback that has helped us greatly in identifying and investigating these bugs and enhancements!

Fix Serial Monitor interference with Upload process


A bug was introduced in Arduino IDE 2.0.0-rc9.1 that caused uploads to fail when the board's port was open in Serial Monitor (arduino/arduino-ide#1278).

This has been fixed and the IDE will once more automatically handle the transfer of control over the port from Serial Monitor to the Upload process and back to Serial Monitor as needed.

Replace splash screen with a loading animation


The IDE's handling of the "splash screen" image displayed on startup was faulty (arduino/arduino-ide#193, arduino/arduino-ide#325, arduino/arduino-ide#327) and interfering (arduino/arduino-ide#324).

The splash screen has now been removed, replaced by an animation to serve as a progress indicator while loading the Arduino IDE window.

Instant preview on "Theme" preference change


The IDE's theme will now immediately reflect the selection made from the "Theme" menu in the "Preferences" dialog in order to make it more convenient to pick your favorite theme.

Fix incorrect logs folder location on Linux


Previously, the Linux version of Arduino IDE saved log files to a folder named undefined under the path the IDE was executed from (arduino/arduino-ide#394).

Logs will now be stored under ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/Arduino IDE (~/.config/Arduino IDE by default).

Improve alignment of "Auto Format" style with Arduino IDE 1.x


The switch to using the more powerful and actively maintained ClangFormat code formatting tool necessitated some unavoidable changes in the code style produced by the IDE's "Auto Format" feature when compared to that of Arduino IDE 1.x (arduino/arduino-ide#42).

After the version of ClangFormat in use by Arduino IDE 2.x was updated, advancements in the configurability of that tool made it possible to even more closely match the Arduino IDE 1.x "Auto Format"

Add an "Auto Format" item under the "Edit" menu


The IDE's "Auto Format" feature has traditionally been available via the Tools > Auto Format menu path. From feedback received from user testing, it was determined that Edit > Auto Format was a more intuitive menu path.

The Tools > Auto Format menu item will continue to be available during a transition period, but will eventually be removed. If you have written any tutorials, etc. that specify the use of the Tools > Auto Format menu path, please consider updating it to include the new path so that it will remain valid even after the transition is complete.

Full changelog here:

If you have any questions or feedback please post here in the Arduino IDE 2.x's dedicated forum category:

If you want to see the list of known issues, work in progress, submit a formal report, or contribute to development, the IDE 2.x source code is hosted in this public repository:

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I update my Arduino IDE 2.0.0 with the rc9.2.
It works, but the progress bar had a behavior a little bit strange:

  • Goes fast up to (around) 50% than hold by few minutes.
  • Then goes very fast up to 90% and go back to 50%.
  • Then start moving slowly to the end.

Now my IDE is rc9.2 and it upload the firmware with the monitor on.
Great job everyone.

Thanks @CamargoF. I'm glad the update was successful and that the upload is working correctly now.

Which progress bar is that? There are two separate progress bars seen during the update process on Windows:

The "Downloading the latest version of the Arduino IDE" dialog:


The installer dialog:


Just downloaded it yesterday. It looks very nice. I've used an Arduino Uno in the past, and it programmed just fine with the new 2.0 IDE. The DEBUG potential of the new IDE looks quite interesting, so I ordered an Arduino Zero to make use of the debug function. Should arrive sometime next week.
Ted from Lake City, Michigan, USA

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Operation is sluggish because it is written in a a scripted language,

Takes a good 20 seconds to load first time up because there are tens of thousands of startup files to process.

How many trillions of CPU cycles are you wasting?

Why does a compiler need FFmpeg to be installed?
Beyond stupid.

Error messages are unreadable because they are unformatted

Error messages are unreadable because the color red on black is retarded.

Annoying and pointless popups in the status window

Overall a garbage experience, but hay you now support fixed size fonts - although the font can't be changed.

Rating - C - A competent effort if written by high school students.
E - If this is an attempt by adults.
F - If this is an attempt by professionals.

Arduino IDE 2.x is built on the free open source Eclipse Theia, which in turn is based on Electron and Chromium. This is the source of the inclusion of FFmpeg.

Theia is a framework for building IDEs on. Even if Arduino IDE does not need the capabilities of FFmpeg, other projects may find it very useful.

From your hijack posts on other topics, it seems you have the impression that FFmpeg is only a video converter. This is incorrect, as a quick look at the home page of the software will show:

I don't understand what you mean by "unformatted". Please provide a detailed description.

The readability problem with the current stderr coloration in the Output panel is being tracked here:

Please provide detailed descriptions of which "popups" you found to be "pointless".

The font can indeed be changed:

  1. Open the Command Palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Command+Shift+P for macOS users).
  2. Select the "Preferences: Open Settings (UI)" command.
  3. In the "Search Settings" field, type font family.
  4. You can now set the fonts by entering a font name in the fields of the settings you are interested in customizing.
    These are comma-separated lists of font names. The first installed font on the list is used, so having multiple on the list provides fallback fonts to use in case the previous ones don't happen to be installed on the system the IDE is running on.

The font change will take effect immediately.

If you are interested in helping to make this free open source project better, welcome. High quality, constructive feedback is a very valuable contribution to the project, and one we very much welcome.

Vague insults are not productive.

In the future, please create your own dedicated topics for feedback, rather than spamming it to other people's topics, as you did in all the other topics you posted to today.

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