Arduino IDE code not filling width of window

Hey there. My IDE is now not displaying code across the full width of the window. I was mid-project and as far as I'm aware didn't hit any commands to cause it.
The picture shows it better than I can probably explain it.
Has anyone encountered anything similar? I'm struggling to find a solution to get it back. I have reset my machine and reinstalled the IDE. I'm on OSX 12.2.1.
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.

As you are using IDE version 2 I have moved your topic to a more relevant category of the forum

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<Alt>+z toggles wordwrap. For some reason, on my PC, it seems you need to press it twice to take effect.

Press <Alt>+z (twice) and it should restore the wrapped lines.


Oh amazing, thank you so much that's fixed it! Was driving me nuts.

Thanks a lot :+1:

The reason for this is there are multiple word wrap modes and Alt+Z cycles through the modes:

  • off - "Lines will never wrap."
  • on - "Lines will wrap at the viewport width."
  • wordWrapColumn - "Lines will wrap at Editor: Word Wrap Column"
  • bounded - "Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and Editor: Word Wrap Column"

You can set it directly in the Arduino IDE advanced settings.

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Thanks for the explanation, it certainly clears all.

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