Arduino IDE unusable at low res LCDs

I expected to be able to use the serial plotter of the Arduino IDE on a tiny 320480 LCD screen, but no way. When you start the IDE it centers on the sketch by probably 480640 and the menu is out of reach.

You can change the default size of the Arduino IDE window in preferences.txt. It is the editor.window.height.default and editor.window.width.default properties. preferences.txt is stored in your Arduino15 (or similar name depending on OS) folder.

On Mac OS X:

On Windows:
Arduino IDE 1.6.5r5 and previous:
Arduino IDE 1.6.6 and later:

Using Windows App Store version of the IDE:

On Linux:
/home/{username}/.arduino15 (a.k.a. ~/.arduino15)

Some of the above folders are hidden by the OS by default.

Make sure the IDE is closed before you open and modify preferences.txt, otherwise your changes will be overwritten.