I've a fine working Arduino K3NG CW keyer, board: Arduino Mega 2560, but I can't get it to work with the Third-Party CW practice program called: Iambic Master.
When starting up Iambic Master, you are first asked for the port number.
In my case that is port 17, I know that because, if I disconnect the USB connection to the PC and my Keyer, in "Device Manager/Ports", the port 17 disappears.
Under port number 17 I don't see a port name, e.g. Arduino etc.
After allocating port 17, IambcMaster says it doesn't recognize the keyer.
As an aside, when I work under the Arduino environment, this port is named
as Arduino Mega 2560.
My question now is : What should I do to make my Arduino K3NG recognized by IambicMaster.
NB: Platform Windows 10
Regards, Cees, PA3CVI