ARDUINO MEGA 2560 regular loaded software reset ...

Hi memebers;

I do have running K3NG CW keyer project with his software on my ARDUINO MEGA 2560 with a NORITAKE CU20045-UW4J VFD display.
The whole setup is working very well but on a regular base,I saw the whole setup is resetting automaticly.
For what or due who I don't now.
Doe somebody has had the same fenomane from in the past or so ?
Could it be possible that the VFD display is disturbs the software run ??
All suggestions are welcome.
MEGA power supply is aranged with a external 7805 regulator at +5VDC from a external power supply.
Kindly regards Jean

I'm missing the link to that project. Do you really think everybody reading this post knows about that project?
I'm also missing the link to the additional hardware and a wiring diagram. The sticky post at the top of the forum also told you to post the code you're using. Nothing is found in your post.

MEGA power supply is aranged with a external 7805 regulator at +5VDC from a external power supply.

My wild guess is a high power consumption and the voltage drops below the brown out voltage. But might be anything in the code.