Arduino Mega clone trouble

Hello, I have recently buy with friends this pack:

When i received the package, i have connected the arduino to my computer. I had first a driver problem, it's comon. I download it. And the computer detected it after.

Now the real problem is then i can't absolutely communicate with the arduino.
The led L an ON are activated.
When i use the arduino ide, it tell me then the arduino got an ban signature (0x000000) and it's all.
I have try to reinstall arduino, same as the driver.
I have try to use ISP with my other arduino but again nothing. bad signature.
I have try to use avrdude tu get the signature, or burn the bootloader but any responce.

At the end: I have try all i know and i any led RX or TX blink.

Actualy, i have 3 solution posibles (in my mind):
The chip CH340 is dead.
The chip ATMEGA2560 is dead.
Or i use the hvsp to overside some fuse maybe bag.

I have test an other arduino mega then i received and it's the same thing.

I actualy dry up.
Help me pls :sob:


Using Arduino as ISP should use -b 19200

avrdude -c arduino -P COM7 -p m2560 -b 19200 -v

I got this: Screenshot by Lightshot
Nothing new for me

How do you have it connected? Pin 10 from the Arduino as ISP to the Mega Reset?

Arduino Uno Arduino Mega
11 51
12 50
13 52
+5v +5v

Check each lead for continuity. It should work.

I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.8 and have to use a 10uF capacitor between Reset and Gnd on the Uno, but you are getting your Uno initialized so that shouldn't be a problem.

I use a 100pF capacitor. I am on the 1.8.7 but i tested the 1.8.8 and it was the same thing. I don't understand me too why it do that.

I have verified, it's not the CH340 who is dead, i have connect the rx and tx and i got the same characters then i have send.

0x000000 sig indicates a wiring error, or that the target chip is set to use an external crystal/resonator or external clock, but such is not present, or can indicate damage to the target processor. (in decending order of liklihood). So it's possible that the crystal/resonator on the mega is bad (they do occasionally fail or DOA, especially on cheap clones; if it's a crystal, replacing it to is easy - trivial if it's in HC/49 package - but if it's a resonator, it's much harder to replace since they're rice-grain sized parts with three pads, all on the underside of a tiny part where you can't get to them with a soldering iron. Unfortunately most of the boards use a resonator to save a couple of cents on the BoM)

As noted above, this isn't the problem because you're getting to where it report 0x000000 sig (some people report the cap is needed, others report not needing it, and it's not clear from whence this difference arises)... but a 100pF cap between reset and ground will not disable autoreset - needs to be 1uF theoretical minimum to guarantee not resetting (they use 0.1uF to capacitively couple dtr of serial adapter to reset line, and chip iirc specs 0.9*vcc on reset to ensure it won't reset, so you need more than 10x that 0.1uF capacitance to ensure that) - we always recommend 10uF to give plenty of margin, since cap specs are often pretty wide (eg, +/-20%) and the capacitance of ceramic caps further depends on temperature and applied voltage.

I have shot a photo: Screenshot by Lightshot
I don't see a resonator, just a 16MHz cristal.
I don't have a 10µF capacitor to hand, just a 47µF 25V, but i don't think it's a good idea to test :slight_smile:
I have tested to send a basic code to an other mega from this pack and same result. Either this 2 cristanls blowed or it's an other problem.
Thks to try to help me.

I don't see a resonator, just a 16MHz cristal.

It is a clone, no problem if there is a crystal.

I don't have a 10µF capacitor to hand, just a 47µF 25V

47uF will do the job.

47uF will do the job.

It wouldn't blow up ?

No. It takes more time while it settle after powering up in compare with 10uF but will go much easier across reset pulse.

I have tested with the capacitor and... nothing.

Post the log include the command.
...and picture from your setup.