I wanted to know weather it is possible to get the images when I am connecting ESP8266 with Arduino Mega via the TX and RX pins. While I am using a OV7670 Camera which is connected to Arduino Mega.
The OV7670 send the images to Arduino Mega and I wanted to send all the captured images to ESP8266 and then upload it to the internet.
Are you sure you can handle images with the resources of a mega.
A 640x480 image is 300K pixel.
The esp-cam could be a better alternative as it includes everything you need ( has a 'better' camera ) and is already connected ( and you have libraries to control the camera ).
If you go the esp-cam way choose a version with the serial interface included, easier to program.
But, If it is possible to connect the ESP8266 with Arduino Mega and acquire the images that are been taken by the OV7670. As these are the only controllers I have for now.