I hope someone can help me I searched the internet but did not find any data and that the avrdude does not detect me atmeta 2560 or by CL. Also when I want to move to DFU does not work, the serial port is left, I just bought it yesterday and it did not happen to me with the arduino one, I hope not to bother the community maybe I'm just doing something wrong, at the time of recording a sketch with the arduino studio leaves me without problems and it is successful, thank you very much.
From the Programmer dropdown menu, you need to choose Wiring, not Arduino.
Regarding DFU mode - DFU mode (used for updating the 16u2 firmware, for things like UnoJoy - generally not necessary for normal use) is only available on genuine boards and faithful clones (ones which use the 16u2) - though I guess if you were trying to do this, you would have noticed if the pins that you short to enter DFU mode weren't present. I think some of the clones are shipped without the DFU bootloader on them, just the serial adapter code - reflashing the combined firmware with the DFU bootloader via ISP to the 16u2 will sort that out if that's the case. But most clones don't have a 16u2 at all, but something like a CH340G, which cannot be reprogrammed like the 16u2 can.
I can flash u16 dual usb/serial now works well
avrdude -c usbasp -p ATmega16U2 -F -U Arduino-COMBINED-dfu-usbserial-atmega16u2-Mega2560-Rev3.hex
avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 15668 bytes of flash verified
avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK
but now he doesn't accept the following command
avrdude -p m2560 -c arduino -P com7 -b 115200 avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 avrdude done. Thank you.
they know why this happens ?
should be -c stk500v2
Also, is the mega2560 bootloaded? If you uploaded anything to it via ISP, that would have erased the bootloader, so you'd need to re-bootload it.
should be -c stk500v2Also, is the mega2560 bootloaded? If you uploaded anything to it via ISP, that would have erased the bootloader, so you'd need to re-bootload it.
Good night, if I load the double firmware and it works fine, but now I see that avrdude sometimes detects it and sometimes it doesn't