Hi everyone,
I have a Arduino Mega board which was working fine but after one bad evening,i don't know what exactly happened. Now the board is not being detected. Whenever i plug USB cable with my laptop, it says "USB device not recognized". I have tried different cable but problem remained the same. I also plugged UNO, UNO+WIFI board and Arduino Nano board and all three were detected successfully. I connected faulty Mega2560 with other computers and even with a Ubuntu 20.04 laptop as well but none of PCs/Laptop was able to detect it. LED (on pin 13) and Power LED constantly remain lit.
Initially i thought that i bricked Atmega2560 but i can program it using ICSP header. Then I used Nick Gammon's Atmega Board Detector sketch (more details here) to check USB-to-Serial chip Atmega16U2, it showed 0xFF for all locations of Bootloader (unfortunately i forgot to save the output at that time) and hence i made conclusion that firmware of Atmega16U2 is missing. Also, i could not work out Nick Gammon's How to flash the USB chip on the Arduino Uno from this link because i couldn't work out DFU programmer for windows (well i didn't tried hard )
Then i tried this instructable to upload firmware to Atmega16U2, i followed steps 2 & 3 of the instructable with following modifications
- My bootloaders folder contains this file only
[/li] - My boards.txt file is
# See: http://code.google.com/p/arduino/wiki/Platforms
megarestore.name=MEGA 16U2 Restore Firmware
But even after successfully uploading the bootloader, i am getting the same error
I again uploaded Nick Gammon's Atmega Board Detector sketch to my working UNO and checked the firmware of Atmega16U2 again. The response received in serial monitor is attached as Atmega16U2_after_bootloding.txt
I guess the firmware has been uploaded successfully. But i noticed strange ( or may be not) things that even though my boards.txt file has "Arduino-COMBINED-dfu-usbserial-atmega16u2-Mega2560-Rev3.hex" file mentioned but response of Atmega Board Detector sketch states it has "Arduino-dfu-usbserial-atmega16u2-Uno-Rev3" programmed and also
Bootloader in use: No
There is no visible fault in hardware (though i have replaced regulator AMS1117 with LM1117 during the troubleshooting process)
I have attached boards.txt file as well
Atmega16U2_after_bootloading.txt (24.1 KB)
boards.txt (774 Bytes)