Hi guys,
I would just like to know what arduino microcontroller would you guys recommend for a quadcopter drone project. I need a controller with a lot of features but also needs to be as small as possible. Im looking for the best controller for its size. Can you please help me.
I'm a little out of touch these days but maybe something like the Teensy 3, it's very small but powerful with an ARM processor.
I need a controller with a lot of features
Exactly what features?
Hi guys,
I would just like to know what arduino microcontroller would you guys recommend for a quadcopter drone project.<...>
Unless you are prepared on writing everything, the more prudent say to select the uC is to investigate what uC is being supported by other similar project and "jump" onto that hardware where you can reuse some of the code/libraries.
op is either troll or never heard of multicopters until few minutes ago. quick google of multiwii or ardupilot shows there are many forums and wikis with literally millions of participants. avr (apm,crius,flip,etc) for many years and arm (pixhawk,naze,etc) for last few with fully mature firmware and complete flight controllers on ebay as cheap as $5-$10.
something is fishy.