Arduino mini fuses and bootloader choice?


as i am rookie in avr. but love the idea of arduino. i have a quite basic question.
I managed to make my own layout of pcb witn avr 168 (tqfp 32) with 16MHz cristal all is based on Arduino MINI schematics.

and now is a time to program fuses and boot loader.
could some one advice what are correct setting for fuses as well as confirm that boot loader for ng is correct choice.

(i post fuse question as i manged to brick one of 168) i am usin avrdude to program chip.

thx in advance

You should use theArduino IDE to program the bootloader, it also sets the fuses correctly.
Tools -> BurnBootloader -> w/whatever programmer you have

I would do but my programmer dont talk to arduino IDE and my hand made settings does not work :frowning: .
so far i managed to get working SinaProg avrdude GUI

so here i get right output while sinaProg

avrdude -C avrdude.conf -c stk500v2 -P avrdoper -p m168 -q

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9406

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done. Thank you.

so any advice hot to set up arduino enviroment if not then only chance are fuse settings to manually program fuses.


my programmer dont talk to arduino IDE

This is a little bit of nonsense, because when AVRdude talks to your programmer so does the IDE.

Try adding this to you programmers.txt file Programmer

Restart the IDE and you will then see a programmer option called "STK500v2 Programmer" this might allow you to do it from the IDE

[edit]programmers.txt should be located in your arduino directory under hardware\arduino[/edit]


I the mean time i managed to switch programmer to Serial mode and i have edited programmers.txt and via serial programmer works ok with IDE.
( myprogramer if working in HID mode can be found under avrdroper not usb so if in IDE set myprogrammer.communication=avrdroper then IDE still searches on com-s and if set to .communication=usb then it cant find)

and i have also managed to get my protype duino working as well (hardware bug) :wink:

amd also i have found fuses values for arduino mini in boards.txt (future info for rookies as i am)

Arduino MINI fuses

low.fuse = 0xFF
high.fuse = 0xDD i changed it to DC for my project
ext.fuse = 0x00
unlock 0x3F
lock 0x0F

so Case closed.

Can you post a picture of your board with the TQFP chip?