Arduino Nano 32 connection to debug probe

Hi !
I'd like to connect my debug probe to the Arduino Nano ESP32.
Therefore, I am trying to make sense out of the documentation I found online, mainly the Nano ESP32 Schematic ((, and the physical disposition of the contacts on the back side of the board but it doesn't really match.
Anyone has an official documentation about the connection of debug probes to that board ?


Hello Sebastienkister
Good day.
Have you had a look to this post?


Best regards Mascho11

Hi Mascho11,

indeed I had a look at that post but it's all about the onboard debugger. I am looking to attach a debug probe to the MTCK/MTDO/MTDI/MTMS pins but I don't know where they are located on the backside of the board and find no pinout information where they appear.

Hello @sebastienkister and sorry for the delay!

The JTAG signals are not exported on module pins, but you can access them on test points in the back of the Nano ESP32, on the bottom left (directly below the CPU package).

This map shows you all relevant signals:

Let us know your results. Happy hacking! :hammer_and_wrench: :slight_smile:

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Much appreciated info ! Thanks !

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