ARDUINO NANO 33 BLE with NFC shield

I'm totally new to Arduino world, but I'm looking for a way to read data from NFC tag and send them to my mobile phone.
Looking into the Arduino website I've found the ARDUINO NANO 33 BLE and I've seen that it's possible to connect it to mobile.
I was wondering if is it possible to attach to it a NFC shield to read data from tags and send them to mobile through BLE.
If it is feasible, can someone suggest me an NFC shield ?

Thank you very much for the help

Search for NFC Shields and see what interface they have.

If it is feasible,


can someone suggest me an NFC shield ?

You don’t want a shield because that will not physically fit onto a nano 33, just use a board with a SPI interface.

I would suggest the PN532 NFC/RFID controller as probably your best bet to get started. Arduino libraries are available.

Adafruit have a breakout board ( that works pretty well. This works with SPI, or I2C. For a tutorial/learning guide search via

If you find SPI confusing and you are looking for a smaller option, then this grove PN532 NFC module from Seeed Studio ( which uses I2C or UART (default) might work for you.

Other alternatives include the "x-nucleo" NFC shield options from These use their own chipset. Also NXP PN7120 (mikroe module) or the PN7150 NXP shield available. But need to know what you're doing here.

For the brave (or foolish), the Nordic nRF52840 SDK also have a PN532 library. Porting this across is not for faint hearted, mind you.