
I would like send transmit and receive data from arduino nano 33 ble,arduino nano 33 iot or arduino nano 33 ble sense to dozens phone at the same time by using bluetooth connection or other connections. however the bluetooth connection is priority. Data transmission is must be from one point to multiple point . I must define bluetooth adresses of receiver phones. For this, must i use a external module or hardware. How must i use this module if that is ?

I wait your answer,

Cihat Levent.

Are you looking for help in designing this yourself or hoping someone will do the design for you? If you want to do it yourself then read 'how to use this forum - please read' and follow the instructions.

If you want someone to do it for you please click 'report to moderator' and ask this to be moved to gigs and collaborations, and expect to pay.

Thank you for answer,
I read the subject that is 'how to use this forum - please read'. However ,i am not sure that i understand what did i do wrong.
what is the problem in my post.İ will work to fix the problem if you can say what is the problem in my post.

Thank you.

The way you have framed your question it seems to me that you want someone to provide you with a completed project, although that's not clear, hence why I asked.

You have not provided any of the information asked for in 'how to use this forum'. What have you tried? What hardware do you have? What is your programming and electronics experience? How far have you got with your project so far? Do you understand the basics of electronics and programming? What don't you understand?

I see no evidence whatsoever in your original post of you making any effort at all to make a start on your project yourself.

If you are very new to Arduino BLE, this is a good place to start.

Dear mr PerryBebbington,

I understood,

I don't want someone to provide me with a completed project. I want do this project myself. at now , I use arduino uno and hc-05 module. I know that how will i transmit data from point to point points. However, i want learn to transmit data from one point to multiple points. My project needs a master device and dozens slave devices like phones that with bluetooth connection. I must define the bluetooth adresses of slave phones. Connection distance is maximum 5-6 meters. I am not far from coding and programming but i am not good at. I researched on the internet about this subject but i couldn't find enough or i don't understood documents and information. I found a term that is calling piconet. ı understood what is piconet but i didn't understand how will i set up a piconet. Also , i found arduino nano 33 ble/ ble sense/ iot. i saw in my research multiple BT radio term with arduino 33 iot-ble-ble sense, can this term useful be for my project.
Some links about arduino nano 33 BLE are attached.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello Cihat_Levent,

I am sorry, I am unable to help you.

Perhaps someone else can help.

Good luck.

Hello PerryBebbington,

Thank you for everything.

Have a nice day!

Dear gbafamily,

I will visit the link that you send and i will reply your post.

Thank you.