Arduino Nano and MAX232 converter

Hello to every one!
I started a new project on the arduino and faced a strange issue.
The project is related to communication with another serial RS232 device. When I started to use the MAX232 circuit I found that the data conversion path from Arduino -> MAX232 -> RS232 works correctly. But on other way RS232->MAX232-> Arduino, the data is corrupted.

How does this look like?

Wiring diagram:

What is VS+ and VS- connected to? What did you do to disable the RX and TX from the debug monitor input (USB)?

In the end VS+ and VS- are connected only to GND trough capacitor.

when I'm checking the operation of the system. I do not connect to the UART via USB. I use the RX TX lines of the board which are connected to the MAX232 and I can read data from it by using RS232-USB adapter. (Also its connect as in wiring diagram.)

An error has been found. One of the wires on the universal prototyping board was defective and there was no GND between PWR source and MAX232.

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