Arduino Nano Eagle files

Why could not download Arduino Nano Eagle files from the link?
I wonder whether the link is real? Why not open the Gerber files?
Is Nano open-source?

The link worked for me; I succesfully downloaded a ZIP containing .SCH and .BRD files. Although the .brd file wasn't routed (perhaps because I only have the freeware EAGLE? Didn't I read somewhere that the Nano was a 4-layer board (and the freeware only supports two layers, though I THOUGHT you could look at designs that exceeded the freeware capabilities.))

Gerber files don't open in Eagle, do they? As Boomii says, the .SCH and .BRD are files that Eagle can open, and Eagle can export but not view Gerber files. The free-of-cost trial version of Eagle only supports two layered boards (top and bottom layers).

(If I remember correctly) Eagle Freeware edition cannot EDIT (meaning routing, moving component, etc) more than 2 layers boards but you can OPEN those files.

The brd file in the referenced zip file is simply unrouted, nothing to deal with eagle licensing.

Hello westfw, thanks for your email.
I received the eagle files.

Cerocca is right, the layout is not unrouted.
It's 4-layer board. I'm wondering if Gravitech would publishes the image of each of the 4 layers.

Actually I want to buy one Nano, but it's really very difficult for me to buy it from US. If I need 1,000 pieces, I will do. So I want to make one by myself.
Anyway thanks for the open schematic. I'm learning using Eagle, maybe I will rute a 2-layer Nano, it will be very cheaper and easy to produce, althoug the size will be a little bigger. If anyone already have do this, hope could share with us.

The sparkfun Ardunio Pro Mini uses a double-sided PCB, and has the eagle files available. (no built-in USB, though.) It might be a useful starting point for re-routing the nano...