Arduino nano help

Hi, im new to this world of arduino and find it fascinating.
I am currently trying to build a led clock but need the software downloaded to the nano.
Ive never done anything like this before and would appreciate any help anyone can offer.


1. Do you want to use a DS3231 RTC Module (Fig-1) for the time of the day.

2. Do you want to use a 6-digt cc-type 7-segment display unit to show HRS, MIN, and SEC of the day?

TM1367 based 6-digit display module


MAX7219 based 8-digit display unit

Figure-4: Pre-fabricated multiplexed display unit


If your using discrete display devices of Fig-5, you have to connect them together to make multiplexed display unit.

To form a multiplexed display unit, you short together the identical segment pins of all the display devices and keep the cc-pins separated.

Plug the Nano into a USB port of the computer.
Start the Arduino IDE environment.
Select the COM port your Nano is connected to.
Select the "Arduino Nano" as the board you're using.
Load the sketch that you want to program.
Compile and upload the sketch to the Nano.

If your Nano is a clone, you may need to download the CH340 driver, depending upon your Windows version; that's because the USB communications chip on the clone is different.


Thanks for the info I appreciate it.

Therein is the problem, erm without seeming a total muppet how do I make the sketch?

Is it a case if copy and paste?

Sorry for the insane questions, but I'm keen to learn.

Yes my nano is the clone, thankyou so much

Yes i have the DD3231 rtc

As a beginner, you really should seek out examples to inform, before diving into your chosen project. Fortunately, the Arduino IDE comes complete with (very simple) examples for many things. File|Examples|etc. has a few. Find one that covers your topic, or at least begins to, and ask questions with something to refer to. Asking 'blue sky' questions will get 'blue sky' answers.

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  1. As mentioned, most will have the CH340 serial-to-usb converter for communication with the PC. It depends on your operating system if you need to install the driver (Linux comes with it, Windows doesn't come with it.
  2. There are three options in the IDE for the processor (tools/processor). For clones, you more than likely have to choose the "old bootloader" option.

DD or DS; please be accurate. There are a number of libraries that provide functionality for the Arduino to communicate with a RTC (e.g. DS3231). You can start with the Adafruit RTC library that you can install using the library manager; it also requires the Adafruit BusIO library which will (probably) automatically be installed when you install Adafruit's RTClib.

You did not mention which display you are going to use :wink:

Study the basic examples that come with the IDE so you have some understanding. Next study the examples that come with the RTClib so you understand how you can set the time, read the time and display it on Serial Monitor.

Once you have decided on a display, try to find a libraries for it. Next study and try those examples and after you understand them you can integrate that part in your sketch.

Questions are fine, but relying on them will make the process of learning sloooooow. You're better off Googling for information, doing some reading, then trying some things out and THEN asking questions when you get stuck.