Arduino nano + NRF24L01 with antenna

I wanna make rc controller and receiver using 2x Arduino Nano and 2x Nrf24l01+PA+LNA, but my nrf24l01 don't work.
•I use AMS1117 5v to 3.3
•I have read all the tips from Robin2
•I use 100mf capacitor
•I checked the connection several times, but the modules still do not work

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

Thank you

You can cross-check your design with this one: DIY Arduino + nRF24L01 remote controller - Share Project - PCBWay
This is an nRF24L01-based remote controller. This one features an Arduino UNO though.

The RF24 modules with external antennas (high power) may not communicate if too close together. Try moving the modules a couple of meters apart and/or lower the transmit power.

radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW);  // RF24_PA_MAX is default.

How are you translating the logic levels. The Nrf24l01 is 5V tolerant on its inputs but what about the Nano inputs, they need more than 3V3 for a solid on.

Yeah, I know that, but my problem is completely different, I tried to test the connection with a simple sketch "Listen air" and in serial monitor i saw only zeros where there should be certain values, logically the problem is in the connection, I checked the connection many times and tested the modules on different boards, I even bought another module Nrf24l01 and now I will test it. The problem is not of a software nature

Have you tried the CheckConnection sketch from Robin2's simple rf24 tutorial. That tests only the physical connection to the rf24 modules connected processor (the wiring).

Run the sketch on both the transmitter and receiver.

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I use my own sketch with the same functionality, I additionally display all 128 channels on the monitor, which makes the test more extensive

I tried a new one module and it worked, maybe my two modules are not working.

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