Arduino nano to sd card

Hello everyone, I’m trying to build a kind of watch that stocks data from the arduino nano accelerometer into a micro sd card. However the nano arduino 33 ble runs at 3.3v and can’t provide 5v to the sd card reader. I used a level shifter between the arduino nano and the micro sd card reader to adapt the voltage, but it still doesn’t work. I changed the wires, the sd card reader, I formated the sd card and all the material is new but it still doesn’t work when I try to initializ the sd card. I tried multiples scripts with chipSelect=10. This my set up. Thanks you very much for your help🙏

Where exactly is the SD card getting its 5V supply from ?

A voltage level shifter cannot boost the voltage on its own. It must be supplied from somewhere else. From your diagram is seems that you expect to input 3.3V to the level shifter and get 5V out of it

Please show the photo of your Card reader.

The most popular blue module:

do not need a level shifter because internally uses 3.3v logic. But this module needs a 5v to VCC pin, it can't powered by 3.3v

I made a similar setup a while ago, worked fine with SD card connected directly to nano 33 outputs and 3.3V and basically the example code from IDE. You should be able to trace connections from these photos. I used A0 as SDCS_PIN.

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Yes this is the card that I use, that’s why I tried to use a level shifter but apparently I was wrong.

How can I supply 5v on the vcc. Thanks you very much for your time.

Yes you’re right that’s what I tried to do :sweat_smile:. I am a beginner in arduino I didn’t know that the level shifter needed to be powered externally. What do you think I should do? Thanks you very much for your time

Very interesting, what sd card reader did you use for this set up? Thank you for your time

Power the voltage level shifter with both high and low voltages

If you buy one like this then you don't need any level shifting , since NanoBLE is a 3V device --

The NanoBLE doesn't have a 5V available.
Apparently , it does --
Nano-BLE-Sense-pinout.jpg (1542×942) (

I just used a simple micro-SD to SD adapter that came with the micro-SD card. Basically just like connecting the Arduino pins directly to the SD card. Arduino wrote data into .txt file on card. Then I could easily move the micro-SD to my desktop pc to read results.

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How did you connect the adaptater to the arduino nano please ?

This should clarify my images above. Wires are soldered onto SD adapter and connected directly to Arduino pins.


Wow , your solution is the cheapest and most available one.
Shapo !!!