Arduino nano v3.1 resonator & 1k resistor pack replacement required

Today I fried my arduino nano v3.1(Gravitech original) by applying 12v at the 5v supply Input.After changing the atmega328p,It was found that the resonator has also got faulty.In addition,during troubleshooting,I removed one of the 4x1k resistor pack at the bottom of the board which got misplaced.
Please provide me the some details regarding the 16Mhz resonator & the 4x1k resistor pack.It would be really nice if you can provide any link to datasheet/store.
I made the arduino nano work by burning the arduino on breadboard bootloader but it is running @8Mhz and also all the LED indicators are off due to the 4x1k resistor pack.Please help!!

Will this one work for the resistor network??

and this one for the resonator

The gravitech board is a clone not an official board. The parts used there may differ in exact specs (and potentially - and more importantly - in the package) from the official board. You should verify that the parts you're ordering match the board.

Also, you should verify that you haven't fried the FT232RL.

No,the ft232rl is ok as I am using the board in 8Mhz as i previously mentioned.But how to know the reference parts used in the official board?I ccan't find any links!!

One more thing I would like to ask...Is arduino officially stopped making nano boards??Nowhere I can found the official nano board...Even mouser also stocks the Gravitech board.I bought it from them!

Ok....I finally repaired my nano by ordering the above mentioned parts.Now it is working fine!!!!!

I'm pretty sure that gravitech made the original Nano. Iirc, their name was in the official schematic and etc. I don't know the arrangement between gravitech and arduino, or what has happened to it...