I did a some work with NN's on PC's few years ago and am now planning to use the again in a micro.
I recently found the Arduino NN code/examples etc. and I am wondering if anyone know how the save the post trained NN to SD card and then reload the trained NN back again.
Many thanks in advance IMK
Post the code, using code tags, and someone will be happy to help.
Not written any code yet only looking at the library and example and trying to figure how to save and reload a trained NN
Write out and read back in the weight array.
How come I knew I would get an answer like "Write out and read back in the weight array." Doh
For informed help, please read and follow the instructions in the "How to get the best out of this forum" post.
Your Stock reply when you don't know is: "For informed help, please read and follow the instructions in the "How to get the best out of this forum" post."
Best not say anything really, "Empty vessels make the most noise"
Proper question:
How Can I Pull a Thread/Questions?
Where? Never heard about that thing.
Hello DrDiettrich
Google and much more Robot Projects etc
I'd contact the author.
Have done thank you, if your interested in NN on micros this is one I used a few year ago on PC.
"lightweight backpropagation neural network by Peter van Rossum"
It is small and I am currently looking at cross compiling it onto a STM32, wish me luck
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