Arduino not detecting RFID tag


I am currently working on a project that involves detecting an UHF RFID tag using a Duinotech Uno with WIFI and a Long Range UHF RFID sensor I purchased from Ali baba. This sensor also came with its own software which worked perfectly and displayed the RFID tag ID every time I brought one close to the sensor.

The Duinotech I'm using:

The sensor I purchased:

Sensor software's output after scanning an RFID tag (A1B2C3D4303030):

I then tried to use this sensor with my Duinotech Uno using Arduino code and a hardware setup I found on YouTube.

The video I followed:

My hardware setup:


The only difference is that he used an Arduino Uno and I used a Duinotech (I was using a Arduino Uno in this photo). I also needed a mini 9 pin male to male gender changer but he connected his sensor directly to the RS232 to TTL converter.

The connections from the sensor to my computer are: female RS232 9 pin > male to male gender changer > female RS232 to TTL converter > GND to Arduino GND (green wire), RXD to Arduino pin 2 (yellow) and VCC to Arduino 3.3V (brown).

My code (I used his):

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);
unsigned char incomingByte;

void setup() 
  Serial.println("Start RFID read!\n");

void loop() 
  //delay (10);
  if (mySerial.available() > 0) 
    incomingByte =;
    Serial.print(incomingByte, HEX);
    Serial.print(' ');

But after following his video I ran into a couple issues and I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out as I am a bit new to all of this.

Main Issues:

  1. My Duinotech does not output anything into the serial monitor but when I tried it with 3 other Arduino Uno's it worked only with 1 of them (I need Duinotech for WIFI).

  2. And for the Arduino Uno that did work at outputting an ID on the serial monitor, the tag ID did not match the output of the sensor software for the same tag which was shown above previously.

Serial monitor of working Arduino after scanning the same tag (A1B2C3D4303030) detected by sensor software:

image (1) (2)

Small Issues:

  1. I am not sure if this is normal but for the Arduino Uno that does work I need to disconnect and reconnect the usb cable 2-3 times to display the ID on the serial monitor.

  2. For the Arduino Uno that currently works, there are occasions where if I move the UHF RFID tag away from the sensors range and bring it back in range the ID that was initially showing, has now slightly changed.

Any help would be really appreciated, especially for the Duinotech Uno with WIFI
not outputting any tag ID's.

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